This is the presentation outline I discuss during live presentations at golf courses. It’s a fast paced, fun seminar and the guys and I have a blast with it! The “Golf Goddess” we discuss knows all and sees all! Obviously, she is a metaphor for your wife. I thought the golfers out there would enjoy taking a look at what we cover. Call me anytime if you have questions. This presentation can also be given in small groups at private gatherings.
Hole #1 – Par 3
Acknowledging and Admitting You’ve Been Trying the Wrong Things
- Sex as a measure of success? Really?
- Allowing sex drive to screw up your sex appeal!
- Ignoring your short game in the bedroom?
Hole #2 – Par 4
The 3-Step Emergency Triage for You AND Your Marriage >>
Other articles you may find helpful:
How to be a Confident Man Without Being SelfishStop Being Needy And Instantly Become a More Attractive Man
Understand Why Your Swing Is Totally Ineffective
- Swinging too hard is extremely unattractive
- Picking your head up is the same as ignoring your wife
- Cussing at the ball is the same as criticizing your wife
- Pounding the club is the same as disrespecting your wife
Hole #3 – Par 4
Remembering Your Best Game Ever
- Calm confidence = attractive masculinity
- Patience and humor = sexy personality
- Not caring about the last shot = mysterious hot dude
- Supporting everyone else’s game = her initiating for the first time!
Hole #4 – Par 3
Understand Why That Day is Hard to Repeat
- You need to know what you don’t know!
- You need to believe what you NOW know!
- You need to WANT to become the golfer you were meant to be!
Hole #5 – Par 3
Free Guide: Where You Should Focus To Grow Your Masculinity >>
Changing Your INTENT – every day!
- Waking up tomorrow with a new INTENTION
- Deciding to “light up” the golf course and everyone on it
- Having a plan to stay consistent until it becomes natural
Hole #6 – Part 5
Discovering What the Golf Goddess REALLY Needs
- Do you know her MOST BASIC needs and how she likes them met?
- Yes, She Fantasizes…not always about you.
- Do you have any idea how well she can read your INTENT?
- Learning Psychology 101 so you can LOVE her better than ever before
- Becoming aware of your *SECRET POWER* to create good feelings
Hole #7 – Par 4
Learning to Give with ZERO Expectations (not every shot will be good)
- Filling her up for “free” is so HOT
- Coming from a place of love in everything you say and do
- Maintaining your “frame” – the new you is here to stay
- Knowing about the TESTS that are coming your way
Hole #8 – Par 4
Other articles you may find helpful:
How Do I Make My Wife Fun Again?When It’s NOT Okay to Just Be Yourself With Women
Declaring YOUR Values Without Apology
- You ARE a sexual man – no apologies needed
- You WILL take the responsibility for creating a positive environment for everyone in your “inner circle”
- You DO NOT tolerate anger, disrespect, or unhealthy marital behavior from yourself or her
- You WILL invite others to join you in your values and allow THEM to choose their own path
Hole #9 – Par 4
Remembering WHY the First 8 Holes Will Change Your Whole Game
- This is NOT about getting laid, but that will be an outcome!
- Improving yourself and your “game” is critical to EVERY relationship in your life
- It took years to get where you are now. Changing it will take time as well.
The Back 9 will be incredible if you want them to be. If you don’t, you WILL keep enjoying the game you’ve been enjoying this far.