Many of the men we support are confused about how to go about creating the relationship they want. They are good husbands. Generous, loving, intelligent men. They want genuine affection, and a deeper, more intimate connection.
Being A Man Who Gets To Have Better Relationships
I was at a men’s seminar a few years ago with Alex Allman and Sean Stephenson. These are two very confident, masculine men. Alex is a brilliant coach and looks like your typical 6 foot tall, handsome ladies’ man.
Sean is about 3 feet tall and is confined to a wheelchair with brittle bone disease he’s had since birth.
Sadly, Sean died at age 40 from a head injury. It still gives me chills to think that this awesome human being is no longer here to give his gifts.
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My Marriage Is In Crisis, How Can I Save It?Your Need For Her To Be Happy Is Killing The Passion In Your Marriage
There was a guy in the audience who was getting frustrated and asked the question that most of us have thought about but never asked.
“Why is it so hard to connect with a woman and feel appreciated and get the affection and passion we want in a relationship?”
Sean rolled his wheelchair across the front of the room as he paused to prepare his answer. Then he faced his chair right at the man with the question and calmly said:
“Because you’re not yet the kind of man who gets those things.”
Sonofabitch…that kind of hurt…and I wasn’t even the one who asked. And how did THIS guy get to be such a badass with an amazing life and marriage??
Sean went on over the next hour to explain what he knows about men, women, masculinity, self-confidence, sexual polarity and why it seems so hard to get what we want.
Free Guide: Where You Should Focus To Grow Your Masculinity >>
Creating The Relationship You Want
You’ll get what you want when you learn how to be a calm, confident, deliberate and pleased man. It’s only that man who can CREATE what he wants instead of wishing for what he wants.
I get a lot of emails from men wanting to know what they need to DO in order to turn around their marriage. They want to reconnect with their wife or girlfriend. They want to “save their marriage”.
The reason it is so difficult for most men to do this is because they are not yet ready.
They just want to DO something – anything – because they don’t know how to BE.
Little do they know that they need to DO less than they ever thought.
They lack the mental and emotional “fitness”, the clarity and calm confidence they require to say what must be said – to think the thoughts that create confidence – to be an unapologetically passionate man who fully intends to create what he wants.
In this video I talk more about the type of fitness I’m referring to and why it’s so important for you to make this your TOP PRIORITY now.

What Kind of Man Can Save His Marriage?
Mental, Emotional, And Physical Fitness
Just like firefighters, cops and search and rescue experts we need to do the work.
We need to prepare our bodies and minds like they do. We need to have a plan, be clear about what role we play, understand what might go wrong and continuously work to be the best we can be.
We need to put on our own oxygen mask and do our own work before trying to charge into the room and demand change from the people in our lives.
That super calm, secure, clear, confident feeling you want is readily available to you. Those are already inside you.
She can NOT give those to you.
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This is why you must make yourself your top priority…now.
Develop Better Relationships By Taking The Next Step
If you haven’t watched the over 300 laser coaching videos on my website, start there.
Keep reading our blog. We put a lot of actionable content in there you can use immediately to start getting clearer.
If you’re ready to move quickly and accelerate your growth so fast it will make your head spin, then you’re ready for a deep dive coaching discovery call.
This is NOT a 15-minute teaser session. It’s a full blown deep dive coaching session to help you reach your first Ah-Ha! of many to come.
We want to know about your past. We want you to describe the future you want. And we want to help you see how your thoughts, words and actions are holding you back right now.
In other words, this session is designed for YOU to be seen, heard and understood. We will ask you about where you’ve been, where you want to go and what’s happening now in your life and relationship.
You can’t have that conversation in 15 minutes.
Are you ready for that?
Then fill out this application for your call.
Answer the unusually personal questions. Just filling this form out is an exercise that will make you feel better.
Then you’ll be matched up with me, Dan Dore or one of our certified GG2GM coaches around the world.
Then you’ll be contacted quickly to schedule your session.
Grab something to drink. We’re going to be a while.
You’re not yet the kind of man who gets to have better relationships. That’s the hard truth to face. Better relationships will form in your life when you stop “doing” and start “being”. That’s the inspiring step available for you to take.