Hey brother!
My name is Mark Drezga and along with fellow GG2GM coach, Garrett Prettyman; we developed the Vital Formula To Masculine Confidence Course to help men become powerful leaders in all aspects of their lives. And I’ve got some questions for you:
- Do you know what it’s like to live your life to the fullest?
- How about what it’s like to push your edge?
- Do you constantly have a feeling that you are “holding back”?
Or are you like most guys and just keep your head down and nose to the grindstone?
Well, you’re in good company!
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Most guys we meet are not living to capacity. They are not even close and they are painfully aware of it.
This is the main reason why they are miserable.
It’s not their wives pulling away from the marriage and it’s not a lack of sex or affection. It’s the festering sensation of time being wasted and not doing anything to make use of it.
The pain shows up in different ways depending on how long you’ve been hiding it.
- General disinterest
- Lack of motivation
- A hollow feeling deep in your gut
- Apathy and irritability
- No sense of humor
- Lack of respect from everybody
- People don’t even know if you’re in the room
Sometimes men can’t quite put their finger on it or even verbalize the disappointment they are experiencing; but we can see it, and you can be sure their partners can too.
When you dwell in this place, it’s easy to look out and find reasons to not do the things that you want to.
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You can even convince yourself that you have no wants, needs or gifts to share.
And you can blame others for how you are feeling and make excuses to justify your inaction.
It’s very disempowering.
There is actually a word that encapsulates this feeling perfectly.
A feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement. As in, “He succumbed to ennui and despair.”
When a man holds back from unleashing ALL of himself onto the world, the world suffers.
For whatever reason, men often fall into the trap of giving up on themselves for the sake of everybody else.
Maybe it’s in our nature and has something to do with how we are often raised to martyr ourselves.
Perhaps it’s because (thankfully) most of us are never put in a situation where we need to sacrifice ourselves for those that we care about.
Or maybe it’s just the way it is for some of us.
Either way – holding back is NOT the way to get what you want in life.
Men that own their gifts are rare.
Men that share those gifts freely, are fucking leprechauns.
If you treat life as a game with winner and losers, then you seek to maintain an advantage over the other players.
Your keep score (who does what housework and how much).
You treat people like children by rewarding and penalizing certain behaviors to try and get more of what you want.
And you let others decide if you have done well or not.
This is why most guys end up walking on egg-shells around their wives.
They’re so afraid of making a mistake that they just shut up and hope the pressure will abate.
When their wives up at ante and begin to push harder and get more frustrated, the guys retreat further into themselves and just want a break from everything.
That “break” can look like a divorce or new wife.
For them, having their wives STOP nagging is a gift.
Show me a unhappy man and he’s surely playing small in life.
Show me a generous man and he has no limits.
Playing small leaves you rotting on the inside and your unused potential becomes compulsive behaviors.
Those behaviors are always destructive and damaging and if you do it long enough, you’ll end up like the guys that keep wanting to go back to the “good-old days”.
The antidote to this malaise is ACTION.
But not just any action.
It has to be clear, focused and deliberate action that can sometimes seem counter-intuitive.
This is where Garrett and I will guide you.
You must be able to recognize your own limited thinking or at least connect to other men that can do it for you.
In our Vital Formula To Masculine Confidence Course, we’ll help you connect to that thing inside that gives some guys the freedom to ask for whatever they want, and often times get it!
We’ll walk with you through the discomfort and self-doubt that inevitably comes up when you start asserting yourself and creating the life that you want.
That’s what a brotherhood is.
We want you to join ours.
Click HERE to pay and save your spot!
The cost is only two monthly payments of $424.
If you join the course now, you’ll have these skills down by October.
October is coming and wouldn’t it be great to have a permanent boost in your masculine confidence by that time?
We can’t spoon-feed confidence to you, but you can show up to the course with a commitment to positive change as your first step to building your mojo.
Registration closes August 3rd and our first session will be August 17th at 5:00 PM Pacific.
Much love brother!