What women really find sexy in you that you may be holding back and how to effectively communicate your desire for sex so you get to have much more of it!
In this podcast episode Alison Armstrong and Shana James discuss how to help women understand men’s Sexual Needs! Alison is the woman to call when you want to get right to the heart of the matter with useful information on how men and women can better understand each other and get their needs met!
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Show notes:
In this episode we cover:
- A simple and powerful process for transforming anything you feel ashamed about or stuck with
- Why men NEED sex (I know you know, but trust me, there’s more)
- How to effectively communicate your desire for sex so you get to have it!
- What women really find sexy in you that you may be holding back for fear it’s not sexy
- What Alison taught her son about women’s erogenous zones that every boy and men would benefit from knowing
Born in Laguna Beach, California in 1960, Alison Armstrong has been designing and leading transformational programs for adults for over 20 years. In 1995, after four years of studying men for her personal benefit, she created the Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women workshop to share her extraordinary findings with women across the nation. With her friend Joan McClain, a banking executive, she founded PAX Programs Incorporated with the mission of “altering society’s culture by transforming the way women relate to men.”
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No stranger to revolutionary initiatives, in 1990 Alison founded the Orange County Summit for Children, a bold project described by the Presiding Judge of the Orange County Juvenile court as one which, “has forever altered the way children’s issues in Orange County are addressed.” (LA Times) For years, Alison provided the vision and inspiration in persuading representatives of government agencies, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions and philanthropic foundations to align and cooperate in serving the needs of Orange County children.
Alison has been married since February 1993 to Greg, whom she refers to as “my Renaissance man. He’s a CPA, a musician, a poet, a super-fast sport-bike motorcycle rider, and an amazing father.” They live in Western Colorado as recent “empty-nesters.” Their 2 daughters and Alison’s son “are launched!” People often comment on her marriage, assuming they must be newlyweds. “Greg and I sometimes make people uncomfortable, although we don’t mean to. I just have the worst crush on him. And,” she adds with a smile, “Greg says he worships the water I walk on.”