How A Confident Husband Seduces His Wife Without Feeling Like A Failure

Hey brother,

Did you get married and then make the mistake that I, and a few million other men make?

Did you think that the very act of getting married gave you a kitchen pass from dating your wife.  In other words, did you suddenly stop “trying so hard” to make her want to be with you?

You wouldn’t be alone.  Most of us get lazy and most of us tend to relax once we think we’ve got the deal all locked in.

The 3-Step Emergency Triage for You AND Your Marriage >>

Seduction is not about the art of picking up strange women.  Seduction is about the art of creating and maintaining feelings of positive emotional tension, including sexual tension.

Coach Garrett goes deeper with his email message below.

For most guys, it would be DRASTIC to sign up for a course focusing on the most important part of being a man in relationship.


Coach Garrett Prettyman and Mark Drezga are starting a new round of this popular and effective program – the Vital Formula To Masculine Confidence Course.

Free Guide: Where You Should Focus To Grow Your Masculinity >>

Do something you’ve never done. Join a small group of men who are permanently changing their lives for the better.

Here’s Garrett.

Perhaps you have a fairytale version of love in your mind.

In this fairytale, your wife or girlfriend is magically affectionate, intimate, and sexual with you for 60 years… All because you’re such an easy-going, great guy!

This rarely happens.

Do you feel a negative reaction when you think of “players” who are good with women?

Don’t think of playing the “game” as being a slimy manipulator who tricks women into liking him.

Think of playing as something that is FUN for both of you.

If you’ve ever had passionate sex, you are already a player in the game of seduction.

The OUTSIDE Game Of Seduction

Pickup artists use OUTSIDE game to meet and have sex with new women effectively.

These men know how to tease, be mysterious, and make her feel understood.

They get her desires burning through playfulness.

The female mind loves the tease, temptation, emotions, and illusion of freedom that OUTSIDE game provides.

However, if you do not have INSIDE game, new women you seduce with OUTSIDE game will eventually break up with you.

They will realize it was all smoke and mirrors.

The INSIDE Game Of Seduction

INSIDE game is all about the vibe your behaviors give off under pressure.

Without a rock-solid INSIDE game, your wife won’t feel safe opening her heart to you.

She won’t feel like she can trust you with her emotions.

She will feel like the relationship has no depth.

Many younger women become infatuated with “bad boys.”

They assume if his OUTSIDE game feels confident, then his INSIDE game must be very secure, strong, and competent.

Sadly, most women who marry “bad boys” realize down the road that his INSIDE game is that of insecurity, self-doubt, and need for validation.

Many women who have been burned by a “bad boy” will latch on to a “nice guy” next.

They assume the “nice guy” will have what the “bad boy” lacks.

Sadly, most women who marry “nice guys” lose sexual attraction for him.

His softness, wishy-washiness, aversion to conflict, and lack of boundaries feel boyish and feminine to her.


How You Will Master Seduction

Your wife needs to be seduced again and again.

She needs to bounce between your INSIDE game and your OUTSIDE game weekly for the rest of your life.

On the days she’s drawn to your INSIDE game, she loves how her mood can’t rattle you.

Her complaints are met with your empathy.

When she brings up the past, you show understanding without getting defensive.

On days she’s drawn to your OUTSIDE game, she’s loving that you’re sending her flirty texts during the day.

You’re giving her a wink and squeeze on the shoulder, and buying her favorite coffee.

I sucked at both INSIDE and OUTSIDE game badly.

I’ve made it my mission to learn and teach men both.

In our Vital Formula To Masculine Confidence Course, Mark Drezga and I get raw and personal with you on how to be a masculine man.

You already have the traits for INSIDE & OUTSIDE game hard-coded into your DNA.

All of us adopted some faulty beliefs about masculine and feminine that need to be re-written.

Mark and I will help you spot the mindsets that make you feel indecisive, unclear, wishy-washy, and unattractive towards women.

This way, you can be naturally good at the game of seduction.

An Offer To Good To Pass Up

Mark and I packed a lot of the most potent things we’ve learned into the Vital Formula To Masculine Confidence Course.

The cost is only two monthly payments of $424. 

We’ve had many conversations about raising the price to match the value of the course.

More important than your financial investment is your personal investment.

That last point might sound strange, but you’ll find out why in the course.

If you answered “yes” to the 4 questions above, then you need to join!

Click HERE to pay and save your spot.

We’ll see you in the course!

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Dan Dore Certified Professional Men’s Coach
Dan Dore has been a professional Men’s Coach specialising in helping men who are lacking confidence, unhappy and unfulfilled in their life and relationships. Dan has 10 years experience coaching men to improve their self-confidence issues and improve their ability to create more emotional connection, more trust, more respect, and to learn how to lead the sexual intimacy and affection in their relationship whenever they want. If you're tired of dealing with rejection and criticism, Dan will help you challenge the current status, stand up for what you want to change and finally be happy in yourself and your ability to create the kind of connection and passionate life that you really want.
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The Hard-to-Swallow Secret to Saving Your Marriage

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